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  • × Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
  • × House rules and procedure
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作者:Oleszek, Mark J.


关键词:House rules and procedure;Bill drafting;...

发布机构:Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.

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作者:Koempel, Michael L., Schneider, Judy


关键词:House rules and procedure;Congressional committees;...

发布机构:Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.

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作者:Koempel, Michael L.


关键词:House rules and procedure;Senate rules and procedure;...

发布机构:Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.

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作者:Brudnick, Ida A.


关键词:Congress;Congressional committees;...

发布机构:Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.

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作者:Egar, William T.


关键词:Congressional allowances;House of Representatives;...

发布机构:Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.

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作者:Egar, William T.


关键词:Congressional committees (House);Appropriations;...

发布机构:Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.

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