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来源:Journal of the American Heart Association , 2018

作者:Brian Ghoshhajra;Aaron Baggish;Nicholas Giordano;等

关键词:echocardiography;exercise physiology;...


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来源:Journal of the American Heart Association , 2017

作者:Jeffery C. Talbert;Val R. Adams;Joshua D. Brown;等

关键词:pulmonary embolism;retrieval device;...


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来源:Clinical Case Reports , 2019

作者:Jacob Juel;Victoria Rosberg;Manan Pareek;等

关键词:anticoagulants;computed tomography angiography;...


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来源:Pharmacology Research & Perspectives , 2019

作者:Lars E. Gustafsson, Kristofer F. Nilsson

关键词:alkyl nitrites;chromatography;...


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来源:Computer Assisted Surgery , 2019

作者:Tongxi Liu;Sheng Xie;Chi Zhang;等

关键词:Pulmonary artery segmentation;3D vessel enhancement;...

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