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  • × power system control
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来源:American Journal of Applied Sciences , 2006

作者:Shant K. Avakian, Ahmed N. Abdalla, Afaneen Anwar

关键词:Agent technology;power system control;...


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来源:The Journal of Engineering , 2018

作者:Junci Tang;Dai Cui;Yushi Zhang;等

关键词:power grids;regression analysis;...

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来源:The Journal of Engineering , 2018

作者:Luping Wang;Xiaorong Xie;Yinghong Hu;等

关键词:HVDC power convertors;power transmission control;...

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来源:The Journal of Engineering , 2018

作者:He Jinghan;Yao Changyuan;Luo Guomin;等

关键词:distribution networks;neural nets;...

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来源:The Journal of Engineering , 2018

作者:Bingyu Sang;Jilei Ye;Hongfen Cui;等

关键词:evolutionary computation;power system transient stability;...

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来源:The Journal of Engineering , 2018

作者:Congqi Yin;Xiaorong Xie;Changyue Zou;等

关键词:HVDC power convertors;power system control;...

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