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  • × 7th Maghreb Days of Material Science
  • × 30000, Morocco^1
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作者:Herradi, S.^1;El Bali, B.^1;Khaldi, M.^1;等

关键词:Calcium nitrate;Di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate;...

会议举办机构:Engineering Laboratory of Organometallic and Molecular Materials (CNRST-URAC19), Faculty of Sciences, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Po. Box 1796, Atlas-Fez


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作者:Bouhazma, S.^1;Chajri, S.^1;Khaldi, M.^1;等

关键词:Antibacterial action;Antibacterial properties;...

会议举办机构:Engineering Laboratory of Organometallic and Molecular Materials (CNRST URAC19), Faculty of Sciences, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Po. Box 1796 (Atlas), Fez


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