31-P 자기공명 분광영상에서 자화 전이를 이용한 대뇌 크레아틴키나제 반응속도 측정연구
자기 공명 분광학;자화 전이;에너지대사;아데노신 삼인산;크레아틴키나제 반응;magnetic resonance spectroscopy;magnetization transfer;energy metabolism;adenosine triphosphate;creatine kinase reaction;153
인문대학 협동과정인지과학전공 ;
University:서울대학교 대학원
关键词: 자기 공명 분광학;    자화 전이;    에너지대사;    아데노신 삼인산;    크레아틴키나제 반응;    magnetic resonance spectroscopy;    magnetization transfer;    energy metabolism;    adenosine triphosphate;    creatine kinase reaction;    153;   
Others  :  http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/bitstream/10371/131723/1/000000021201.pdf
来源: Seoul National University Open Repository
【 摘 要 】

number of signal average (NSA) = 64. For the T1 relaxation protocols, 5 time points including 55, 661, 1464, 2653, and 5000 milliseconds were chosen. The total scanning time of the finally established protocol was 37 minutes and 2 seconds. The mean T1 relaxation time was 0.48(s-1) (standard deviation, SD=0.05). The mean kfwas measured as 0.28 (SD = 0.07) in the current study. The mean values of pH and pMg were 7.04 (SD=0.04) and 4.46 (SD=0.27), respectively. As these values are consistent with those from previous studies, the validity of the currently proposed novel protocol has been affirmed.Discussion: Using the new protocols set up in the current study, to obtain a valid measure of kfin a relatively short period of time has become possible. The present study is the first South Korean study which has validated a research methodology to study brain energy metabolites with a 31P volume coil in an magnetic resonance system. The current results may constructively contribute to the investigation ofthe cause of psychiatric disorders related to energy metabolism and the assessment of treatment effectiveness in the future.

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31-P 자기공명 분광영상에서 자화 전이를 이용한 대뇌 크레아틴키나제 반응속도 측정연구 1134KB PDF download
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