With the aim of presenting a pedagogy of teaching Korean interrogative sentence intonation, this study has analyzed the Korean interrogative sentence intonation of Korean native speakers as well as Madarine speakers, using the instrumental phonetics method. The summary of this study is as follows.In chapterⅡ, After presenting and the concept of accent and two kinds of framework presented by Lee(2006) and Jun(2000), a presentation method for accentual phrase intonation from Jun(2000) and a presentation method for boundary tones seen in Lee(2007) are applied in this paper. Based on existing academic researches of Korean Language study and Korean Language Education study, Korean interrogative sentences have been classified into different types, and had their intonation features investigated. Corresponding sentence types for Korean interrogative sentences were discovered in Chinese and presented in this paper.In chapterⅢ, to better understand the difficulties that Chinese learners face when it comes to intonation, sentence category tests were conducted, where a Korean native speaker and a Chinese learner are using interrogative sentences from a script. The analysis of each sentence went through three stages, mainly focusing on the boundary tone in the sentence uttered by the test person. First a comparison of the semitones in the entire sentence, then a comparison of the tendency to change, and lastly an analysis to find the cause of these differences between Korean and Chinese test persons. The results for Korean native speakers and Chinese learners show differences in ① range and duration of the utterances, ② intonational range structures in interrogative sentences, ③ boundary tone alteration width and ④ boundary tone patterns. Typically, while facing real interrogative sentences of which the object or subject is interrogative and the sentences with the same form of which the object or subject is infinitive, Chinese learners of Korean did not seem to differentiate the intonation in their utterance. Through contrastive analysis and interviews, the cause of these differences were summed up as influence from mother tongue, psychological factors, complexity of the Korean intonation etc. Given the discussion to this point, a teaching plan for Korean interrogative intonation has been presented in chapter Ⅳ. Using the results of the previous experiment as a foundation, teaching and learning objectives for interrogative intonations are presented as follows:Firstly, giving learners an overall awareness of the Korean question intonation (accentual phrase intonation,boundary tone of interrogative sentences and understanding the difference between interrogative indefinite pronouns and question words) is important.Secondly, presenting a special practical method and training method for Mandarin speakers to control the dynamic range of boundary tone and using an intonation curve to help the learner to recognize and adhere to the overall Korean interrogative intonation by imitating it, with respect to pronunciation, intonation, speed etc. In order to practice intonation, using the ;;shadowing method;; (imitating at the same time as hearing) is recommended.Lastly, an ;;introduction, presentation, practice and assessment;; phase that can be used in the overall model for teaching and learning is presented. The evaluation methods utilized in this study were sound range, sound length and gradient (among others) for comparing the interrogative intonation patterns between Mandarin and Korean speakers. The contrasts found between Chinese and Korean were also used to analyze the cause and to finally present the teaching plan.