likely safe, ≥45 mL/min/1.73 m2) calculated by various eGFR equations including MDRD equation. We designated the ;;expanding’ and ;;contracting’ population as those who are likely safe according to eGFR among sCr-ineligible patients and those contraindicated according to eGFR among sCr-eligible patients, respectively. Results were weighted to the whole Korean adult population. Results: Among total diabetic patients, all eGFR equations showed expansion in the population for whom metformin is likely safe, ranging from 14.3% to 19.9% of the sCr-ineligible population. With the MDRD equation, the expanding population was 15,264 (15.8%) and the contracting population was 0 (0.0%). Male sex and younger age were significantly associated with the expanding population. For elderly diabetic patients, all eGFR equations also showed expansion in likely safe group of metformin use, ranging from 4.1% to 16.8% of the sCr-ineligible group, and the contracting population was 0%. Conclusions: Contrary to our concern, prescribing metformin according to eGFR substantially expanded the indication of its use among the Korean diabetic patients including the elderly patients.
【 预 览 】
Metformin-eligible patient population according to eGFR or serum creatinine level