The Effect of Labor Cost Behavior on Labor Investment Efficiency
Labor cost;Labor investment efficiency;Cost behavior;Cost stickiness;Training and education;Research and development;Information asymmetry;658
경영대학 경영학과 ;
University:서울대학교 대학원
关键词: Labor cost;    Labor investment efficiency;    Cost behavior;    Cost stickiness;    Training and education;    Research and development;    Information asymmetry;    658;   
Others  :  http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/bitstream/10371/141279/1/000000151529.pdf
来源: Seoul National University Open Repository
【 摘 要 】

Labor investment is one of the firms’ important decisions that has significant influence over firm value (Lee and Yu 2017). However, how labor cost behavior of firms affect labor investment efficiency has rarely been examined. According to Oi (1962), costs regarding labor employment doesn’t only include wage payment but also includes costs regarding hiring and training activities, which enhances potential labor productivity. This study investigates the association between cost behavior of these labor costs and the labor investment efficiency. Following model of Oi (1962) augmented with Greenward and Stiglitz (1988), this paper test the hypotheses that optimal level of labor cost is associated with efficiency of labor investment. Empirical results support the hypotheses: the level of hiring cost, training cost, and wage is positively associated with labor investment efficiency only they successfully contribute to labor productivity and firm value.

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