Discrete Brand Choice Models: Analysis andApplications
Dynamic pricing;Robust hierarchical logit/probit model;Stochastic differential-jump game
Zhu, Liyu ; Industrial and Systems Engineering
University:Georgia Institute of Technology
Department:Industrial and Systems Engineering
关键词: Dynamic pricing;    Robust hierarchical logit/probit model;    Stochastic differential-jump game;   
Others  :  https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/1853/16217/1/zhu_liyu_200708_phd.pdf
来源: SMARTech Repository
【 摘 要 】

In this thesis, we study brand choice problem via the following three perspectives: a company's market share management, introduction of customers with different perspectives, and an analysis of an application domain which is illustrative of these issues. Our contributions following these perspectives include: (1) development of a stochastic differential-jump game (SDJG) model for brand competition in a specific situation wherein market share is modeled by a jump-diffusion process, (2) a robust hierarchical logit/probit model for market heterogeneity, and (3) applications of logit/probit model to the dynamic pricing problem occurring in production-inventory systems with jump events. Our research explores the use of quantitative method of operations research to control the dynamics of market share and provides a precise estimation method to integrate more detail information in discrete brand choice models.

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