Enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic fibers by cationic polyelectrolytes
Reye, John Timothy ; Chemical Engineering
University:Georgia Institute of Technology
Department:Chemical Engineering
关键词: Hydrolysis;    Saccharifcation;    Binding;    Polyacrylamide;    Polyelectrolyte;    Cellulase;    Cellulose;   
Others  :  https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/1853/39633/1/reye_john_t_201105_phd.pdf
来源: SMARTech Repository
【 摘 要 】

A new method for enhancing rates of enzymatic hydrolysis for cellulosic fiber is presented.By adding a cationic polyelectrolyte to a cellulase/cellulose hydrolytic system, the polyelectrolyte binds to the cellulase and fiber forming flocs.The cellulase is bound by a patching mechanism.By using this technique, the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis can be enhanced.This thesis covered observations made about the cellulase/cationic polyelectrolyte/fiber interactions.A mechanism was proposed based on the experimental results.

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