Fluorescent noble metal nanodots for biological applications
DNA;Nanodots;Drug delivery;Cellular staining;Fluorophores;Silver
Choi, Sungmoon ; Chemistry and Biochemistry
University:Georgia Institute of Technology
Department:Chemistry and Biochemistry
关键词: DNA;    Nanodots;    Drug delivery;    Cellular staining;    Fluorophores;    Silver;   
Others  :  https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/1853/37195/1/choi_sungmoon_201012_phd.pdf
来源: SMARTech Repository
【 摘 要 】

Commercial organic dyes are widely used for cellular staining due to their small size, high brightness, and chemical functionality. However, their blinking and photobleaching are not ideal for studying dynamics inside live cells. An improvement over organics and much larger quantum dots, silver nanodots (Ag NDs) exhibit low cytotoxicity and excellent brightness and photostability, while retaining small size. We have utilized ssDNA hairpin structures to encapsulate Ag NDs with excellent spectral purity, high concentration, and good chemical and photophysical stability in a variety of biological media. Multi-color staining of fixed and live cells has been achieved, suggesting the promise of Ag NDs as good fluorophores for intracellular imaging. The great brightness and photostability of Ag nanodots indicate that they might be outstanding imaging agents for in vivo studies when encapsulated in delivery vehicles. In addition, Ag NDs can be optically modulated, resulting in increased sensitivity within high backgrounds. These good characteristics are combined with delivery vehicles such as PLGA and nanogels. After encapsulation, Ag nanodots still retain their good photophysical properties and modulation. It might be useful for in vivo applications in the near future

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