Triplet Superfluidity in Quasi-one-dimensional Conductors and Ultra-cold Fermi Gases
Triplet superconductivity;Quasi-one-dimensional superconductor;Triplet superfluidity;Fermi condensate;Bose-Einstein condensation
Zhang, Wei ; Physics
University:Georgia Institute of Technology
关键词: Triplet superconductivity;    Quasi-one-dimensional superconductor;    Triplet superfluidity;    Fermi condensate;    Bose-Einstein condensation;   
Others  :  https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/1853/14139/1/zhang_wei_200612_phd.pdf
来源: SMARTech Repository
【 摘 要 】

This thesis presents theoretical investigations of triplet superfluidity (triplet superconductivity) in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors and ultra-cold Fermi gases. Triplet superfluidity is different from its s-wave singlet counterpart since the order parameter is a complex vector and the interaction between fermions is in general anisotropic. Because of these distinctions, triplet superfluids have different physical properties in comparison to the s-wave case. The author discusses in this thesis the interplay between triplet superconductivity and spin density waves in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors, and proposes a coexistence region of the two orders. Within the coexistence region, the interaction between the two order parameters acquires a vector structure, and induces an anomalous magnetic field effect. Furthermore, the author analyzes the matter-wave interference between two p-wave Fermi condensates, and proposes a polarization effect. For a single harmonically trapped p-wave Fermi condensate, the author also shows that the expansion upon release from the trap can be anisotropic, which reflects the anisotropy of the p-wave interaction.

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