The role of surface chemistry and wettability of microtextured titanium surfaces in osteoblast differentiation
Park, Jung Hwa ; Materials Science and Engineering
University:Georgia Institute of Technology
Department:Materials Science and Engineering
关键词: Roughness;    Osteoblast;    Polyelectrolytes;    Titanium;    Wettability;   
Others  :  https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/1853/44732/1/park_junghwa_201208_phd.pdf
来源: SMARTech Repository
【 摘 要 】

Biomaterial surface energy, chemical composition, charge, wettability and roughness all play an important role in determining the degree of the direct bone-to-implant interface, termed osseointegration. Surface chemistry, which is influenced by surface energy, wettability, and composition, is another factor that determines osteoblast phenotype and regulates osteoblast maturation. Increased surface energy is desirable for bone implants due to enhanced interaction between the implant surface and the biological environment. The extent of bone formation in vivo is also increased with increasing water wettability of implants.The physiological role of implant surface chemistry is important in determining the success of implant osseointegration because of molecular rearrangements, surface reactions, contamination, and release of toxic or biologically active ions that are determined by the starting chemistry. However, the role of surface chemistry on osteoblast response is not fully studied. Therefore, the overall goal of this dissertation is to understand how the surface chemistry, including wettability, chemical composition, and charge density, of titanium biomaterials impacts osteoblast maturation (in vitro). This study focuses on the general hypothesis that modifications of surface chemistry of titanium surfaces with sterilization or polyelectrolyte coating on titanium surfaces regulate osteoblast response.

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