This thesis consists of three essays that contribute to the understanding ofthe economic implications of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for certaindurable (e.g. electronics) and consumable (e.g. pharmaceuticals) products from anoperational perspective. In the first essay, we investigate the effect of EPR-basedpolicy on a durable good producer’s secondary market strategy. Our analysis uncoverspossible strategic approach of durable good producers to EPR obligations, which mayresult in unintended outcomes. We provide insights into how to set EPR obligationsto avoid these adverse outcomes. In the second essay, we examine the operationaldetails of market-based EPR implementation on the ground. We analyze whether theadvocated premises of the marked-based approach hold by focusing on the MinnesotaElectronics Recycling Act. Based on evaluation reports and stakeholder interviews,we find that the Minnesota Act achieves the premises of the market-based approach,but this occurs at the expense of several unintended outcomes, following unforeseenmarket dynamics and associated stakeholder interactions. In the third essay, weexplore how the EPR-based policies can be effectively operationalized for managingpharmaceutical overage by analyzing the interactions between major stakeholders andmoderating factors for these interactions. We demonstrate that the preferred policydepends on the healthcare and externality characteristics of the medicine togetherwith collection-related requirements. Additionally, we investigate the perspectives ofpharmaceutical stakeholders on the policy choice and identify the influential factorsin this context.
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Operational perspectives on extended producer responsibility for durable and consumable products