This thesis investigates the role of error-correcting codes inDistributed and Pervasive Computing. The main results are at theintersection of Security and Fault Tolerance for theseenvironments. There are two primary areas that are explored in thisthesis.1. We have investigated protocols for large scale fault tolerantsecure distributed storage. The two main concerns here are securityand redundancy. In one arm of this research we developed SAFE, adistributed storage system based on a new protocol that offers atwo-in-one solution to fault-tolerance and confidentiality. Thisprotocol is based on cryptographic properties of error correctioncodes. In another arm, we developed esf, another prototypedistributed persistent storage; esf facilitates seamless hardwareextension of storage units, high resilience to loads and provideshigh availability. The main ingredient in its design is a modernclass of erasure codes known as the {em Fountain Codes}. Oneproblem in such large storage is the heavy overhead of theassociated fingerprints needed for checking data integrity. esfdeploys a clever integrity check mechanism by use of a datastructure known as the {em Merkle Tree} to address this issue.2. We also investigated the design of a new remoteauthentication protocol. Applications over long range wireless wouldbenefit quite a bit from this design. We designed and implementedLAWN, a lightweight remote authentication protocol for wirelessnetworks that deploys a randomized approximation scheme based onError correcting codes. We have evaluated in detail the performanceof LAWN; while it adds very low overhead of computation, the savingsin bandwidth and power are quite dramatic.
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Designing Secure and Robust Distribted and Pervasive Systems with Error Correcting Codes