Finite Element Analysis of an In Vitro Traumatic Joint Loading Model
impact injury;cartilage;finite element analysis;osteoarthritis;hyperelastic material;cartilage degeneration
Shoge, Richard ; Ola Harrysson, Committee Member,Elizabeth Loboa, Committee Member,Peter Mente, Committee Chair,Simon Roe, Committee Member,Mohammed Zikry, Committee Member,Shoge, Richard ; Ola Harrysson ; Committee Member ; Elizabeth Loboa ; Committee Member ; Peter Mente ; Committee Chair ; Simon Roe ; Committee Member ; Mohammed Zikry ; Committee Member
Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by the degeneration of articular cartilageresulting in eventual bone on bone contact causing pain and inflammation tomusculoskeletal joints. An in vitro impact injury model that incorporated tangentialloading was developed in our lab using intact porcine patellae to produce quantifiabledegradation similar to that seen in early stage osteoarthritis. We carried out two separatesets of in vitro impact experiments: (1) axial impactions: an impact insult normal to thecartilage surface at a high load and relatively fast loading rate and (2) shear impactions:a compressive preload normal to the surface subsequently followed by a tangentiallyapplied displacement generating a shear load. Cell death and matrix proteoglycan losswere quantified. After validation of the finite element model and collection ofhistological data, statistical analysis was used to correlate type, location and magnitudeof stress and strain with cell death and proteoglycan loss. The overall hypothesis wasthat shear forces arising from traumatic impact injuries are more detrimental to cartilagematrix and chondrocytes than axial forces normally seen in most impact injury models.
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Finite Element Analysis of an In Vitro Traumatic Joint Loading Model