Microdroplet Engineering for Microbioassay and Synthesis of Functional Structured Porous Particles
Self Assembly;Microbioassay;Controlled Release;Colloidal Crystal;Anisotropic Supraparticles
Rastogi, Vinayak ; Prof. Jan Genzer, Committee Member,Prof. Glen M. Walker, Committee Member,Prof. Peter K. Kilpatrick, Committee Member,Prof. Orlin D. Velev, Committee Chair,Rastogi, Vinayak ; Prof. Jan Genzer ; Committee Member ; Prof. Glen M. Walker ; Committee Member ; Prof. Peter K. Kilpatrick ; Committee Member ; Prof. Orlin D. Velev ; Committee Chair
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: Self Assembly;    Microbioassay;    Controlled Release;    Colloidal Crystal;    Anisotropic Supraparticles;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/5541/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】

We present methods where sessile or suspended microdroplets are used to develop applications in the areas of bio-detection, photonics, drug delivery and catalysis. The first technique we report is for droplet-on-a-chip microbioassays. The assays are performed in droplet micro-containers suspended on the surface of high density fluorinated oil and are based on the process of agglutination of antibody-coated particles. Droplet microbioassays for the detection of Ricin were designed and their performance was compared to the standard handheld field assays. These droplet microbioassays were found to be 10 times more sensitive in terms of analyte concentration while requiring 100 times smaller volumes. We developed a model for the agglutination kinetics and mass transfer processes inside the droplets, which correlates well with the experimental data.

The second technique that we developed uses droplet templates dispensed on superhydrophobic substrates for the fabrication of a new class of three dimensional hierarchical microsphere assemblies. The technique is termed Dry Self Assembly (DSA) since the fabricated supraparticles are easily detached from the substrate and collected unlike methods where assembled structures are suspended in liquid environment. The sessile droplet templates cast the final supraparticles into light diffracting near-spherical assemblies. When illuminated with a collimated beam of light, the structures exhibit unique ring shaped color diffraction patterns on their surface. The experimental observations for the angular position and wavelength corresponding to a spot on the rings are interpreted using a surface diffraction grating model.

We also tailored the DSA method to produce both shape-anisotropic and composition-anisotropic supraparticles. The shape anisotropy was demonstrated by fabricating "doughnut" assemblies using droplets of both pure silica suspensions and silica mixed with gold nanoparticles. The composition anisotropy was realized by redistribution of magnetic nanoparticles in droplets containing mixtures of latex and magnetic particle suspensions. The redistribution is dictated by the pattern of magnetic field to which the droplet templates are introduced during drying. We developed new types of patchy magnetic particles that can find application in targeted drug delivery. The latex matrix can be infused with a drug and the magnetic patch(es) facilitate remote manipulation of the carrier. A new microfluidic chip was developed for the in-vitro characterization of drug/material release rate from the porous latex network in a live environment. The release rate of dye (drug simulant) from the porous supports is quantified and interpreted on the basis of diffusion/dissolution based mass transfer models. The technique has the potential to perform simultaneous screening of multiple samples and replace the conventional bulk laboratory setup needed for determining the release profiles in drug development process.

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