Influence of Mineral Nutrition on Stock Plant Yield and Subsequent Rooting of Stem Cuttings of Scaevola, New Guinea Impatiens, and Vegetative Strawflower
mineral nutrition;floriculture;propagation;New Guinea impatiens;scaevola;strawflower;stock plants;cuttings
Gibson, James Lloyd ; Brian E. Whipker, Committee Co-Chair,Paul V. Nelson, Committee Co-Chair,Frank A. Blazich, Committee Member,Judith F. Thomas, Committee Member,Gibson, James Lloyd ; Brian E. Whipker ; Committee Co-Chair ; Paul V. Nelson ; Committee Co-Chair ; Frank A. Blazich ; Committee Member ; Judith F. Thomas ; Committee Member
Cutting yield and rooting performance influenced by stock plant fertilization and how mineral nutrients play a role in the development of adventitious roots are new frontiers in floriculture research.Three experiments identified proper fertilization strategies for stock plants.In Expt. 1 stock plants of New Guinea impatiens and scaevola were fertigated with a factorial arrangement of N and K at concentrations of 100, 200, or 300 mg.L-1.Stock plants should be fertilized with N at 300 mg.L-1 because yield and rooting performance were maximized, while K at 100 mg.L-1 resulted in decreased leaching of K and improved rooting of stem cuttings of New Guinea impatiens.No improvement occurred in cutting production and rooting of scaevola at K concentrations over 100 mg.L-1.In Expt. 2 elemental deficiencies of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, or B were induced in stock plants of 'Florabella Pink' strawflower.Nutrients at an incipient or moderate stage of deficiency that affected rooting quality negatively were P, Ca, and Zn.Low K tissue levels near 1.5% affected rooting positively.In Expt. 3 yield and subsequent rooting of stem cuttings of stock plants of strawflower were recorded when fertilized with K at 0, 29, 59, 117, or 234 mg.L-1.While a threshold level of K at 32 mg.L-1 achieved the highest number of cuttings, rooting was not different with cuttings from stock plants fertilized with K at 59 to 234 mg.L-1.Stock plants of strawflower can be fertilized at 1N:1.1K (N at 217 mg.L-1 and K at 234 mg.L-1) or 2N:1K (N at 217 mg.L-1 and K at 117 mg.L-1) ratios because upper cutting foliage did not exhibit deficiency symptoms and optimal cutting yield and rooting occurred.
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Influence of Mineral Nutrition on Stock Plant Yield and Subsequent Rooting of Stem Cuttings of Scaevola, New Guinea Impatiens, and Vegetative Strawflower