Multicast in Wireless Networks
wireless networks;cellular data networks;disruption tolerant networks;multicast scheduling
Won, Hyung Suk ; Dr. Injong Rhee, Committee Chair,Dr. George N. Rouskas, Committee Member,Dr. Rudra Dutta, Committee Member,Dr. Mihail Sichitiu, Committee Member,Won, Hyung Suk ; Dr. Injong Rhee ; Committee Chair ; Dr. George N. Rouskas ; Committee Member ; Dr. Rudra Dutta ; Committee Member ; Dr. Mihail Sichitiu ; Committee Member
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: wireless networks;    cellular data networks;    disruption tolerant networks;    multicast scheduling;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/3778/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】

Multicast is an efficient communicationmeans of transmitting the samecontentto multiple receivers while minimizing network resource usage. However, wirelessnetworks are very diverse and they have their own characteristics. Multicast hasnot been studied extensively forthe networks different from traditionalwirednetworks. Ourthesisisto provethatmulticastis aneffectivemeansin wirelessnetworks. By efficiently using network resources through schedulers,multicastcanbeaneffective communicationmeans.Therefore,westudymulticastscheduler adaptation to thewireless networks where existingmulticast schemesare not applied directly. Among the wireless networks, we consider multicastincellular data networks and disruption tolerant networks. First, we propose two proportionally fair multicast scheduling algorithms at theairinterface inthe downlinkdirection toadapt dynamicchannel statesincellular datanetworks: MulticastProportional Fairness(MPF) and Inter-GroupProportionalFairness(IPF)algorithms.Ouralgorithmstakeintoaccountreported data rate requests from usersand the average throughput of eachuserinside a cell anduse this information toselect an appropriate datarate foreach group. We prove that MPF and IPF algorithms are proportionally fairamongall users and among groupsinside a cell respectively. Throughsimulations, wedemonstrate that thesealgorithms achieve goodbalance between throughputandfairness among users and groups.Second, we study joint optimization of link scheduling, routing andreplicationfor disruption-tolerant networks(DTNs). We definea new notionof optimalityfor DTNs, called "snapshot optimality" which uses only contemporarilyavailableknowledge.Wethen presentanew efficientapproximationalgorithm, calledDistributedMax-Contribution (DMC)based onlyon locallyand contemporarilyavailable information. Through a simulationstudy based on real GPStraces, weshow that DMC demonstrates near-optimal performance. By proposingan efficientmulticast schedulersto cellulardata networksandDTNs, we prove that multicast is an effective means of communicationfor wireless networks.

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