Being Healthy Counts To H.I.M.: An Examination of Health Behavior Among Participants in a Diabetes Prevention and Health Promotion Program.
health promotion;diabetes prevention;African American
Banks, Erin ; Dr. Jacqueline McClelland, Committee Member,Dr. Roger Mitchell, Committee Member,Dr. Craig C. Brookins, Committee Chair,Dr. Jason Allaire, Committee Member,Banks, Erin ; Dr. Jacqueline McClelland ; Committee Member ; Dr. Roger Mitchell ; Committee Member ; Dr. Craig C. Brookins ; Committee Chair ; Dr. Jason Allaire ; Committee Member
This study employed a non-random, quasi-experimental design to assess the impact of a diabetes prevention and health promotion program on the health behavior of older African American adults in a church setting.Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) (Bandura, 1986, 1977) and Socio-ecological (McLeroy et al., 1988) and PRECEDE- PROCEEDE Planning (Green & Kreuter, 1999) models were utilized as guiding frameworks.A modified curriculum from the Lifestyle Balance: Healthy Eating and Being Active Diabetes Prevention program was used.Significant decreases were found in fasting blood sugar over the eight-week period for both program participants and the comparison group. However, there was not an increase in diabetes knowledge, daily moderate-vigorous exercise levels or self-efficacy for physical activity for individuals who participated in the program from Time 1 to Time 2.The findings are discussed relative to their contributions to health-related research and interventions with African Americans and the role of African-American churches as a conduit for health messages and behavior change.
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Being Healthy Counts To H.I.M.: An Examination of Health Behavior Among Participants in a Diabetes Prevention and Health Promotion Program.