Evaluating Temperature Effects and Extension Cooling Rtaes on Boar Semen Quality
Boar Semen Extension;Cooling Rate
Crowell, Sara Shute ; Dr. William L. Flowers, Committee Chair,Dr. Glen W. Almond, Committee Member,Dr. C. Scott Whisnant, Committee Member,Crowell, Sara Shute ; Dr. William L. Flowers ; Committee Chair ; Dr. Glen W. Almond ; Committee Member ; Dr. C. Scott Whisnant ; Committee Member
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: Boar Semen Extension;    Cooling Rate;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/2427/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】

Experiment one examined the effects of temperature variations between semen andextender on eleven different estimates of semen quality. Extender type, short or long term, andtime interactions on the quality of semen were analyzed. Eight mature boars (n=8) werecollected twice and extended with either Beltsville Thawing Solution (BTS) or Androhep Plus.Nine variations on temperature between semen and extender were resulting from thecombinations between 35°C, 37°C or 39°C were examined. Analyses were performedimmediately after extension, and at time 24, 48 and 96 h after collection. All data was analyzedusing SAS and the proc GLM procedure.Analysis showed that although a four degree Celsius difference occur between semen andextender for two of the samples, samples treatment was not significant (p>.05) for 8 of the 11estimates of semen quality. Three estimates of mobility significantly affected (p<.05) the twosamples with the coolest temperatures of semen, S35/E35 and S35/E37, however the 35°C semenwith a four degree difference from the temperature of the extender was not affected.Analysis also showed that Androhep Plus was able to better maintain semen quality athour 96 as compared to BTS (p>.05), however if BTS at hour 48 had higher values than BTS forsemen quality parameters, which is the time in which BTS would be used in a commercialsetting. Although BTS and Androhep Plus differed for many of the estimates, values did not fallbelow rates that have been shown to affect fertility, suggesting that biologically the twoextenders would not differ. There were no significant effects of extender on sample treatments(p>.05).The findings of this study negate the rule that semen and extender much be within 1°C ofeach other before they are mixed together, if between 35°C and 39°C. This could result in timeand labor savings during semen processing.Experiment two examined the effects of three rates of cooling on freshly ejaculatedsemen on eight different estimates of semen quality. Extender type, short or long term and timeinteractions on the quality of semen were analyzed. Three mature boars (n=3) were tested threetimes each. Samples were extended with either Androhep Plus, a five day extender, or BTS, athree day extender. After extension samples were cooled at a (1) slow rate, allowed to slowlyreach room temperature before being placed in a 17-18°C semen storage unit; (2) a medium rate,immediately place in a 17-18°C semen storage unit; or a (3) fast rate, placed in an incubator setat 12°C for an hour before being placed in a 17-18°C semen storage unit. Analyses wereperformed on the neat semen at hour 0 and on cooled samples at 4, 24, 48 and 96 hours afterextension. All data was analyzed using SAS and the proc GLM procedure.The rate of cooling did significantly differ from one another (p<.05). For all estimates ofsemen quality, the medium cooling rate and slow cooling rates did not differ from one another(p>.05). Quality estimate for the fast rate of cooling was significantly lower from the mediumand slow rates of cooling for motility and mobility estimates. Although the fast rate of coolinghad reduced quality of semen, values did not fall below rates that have been shown to affectfertility, suggesting that physiologically the rates of cooling will not differ. Rate of cooling wasnot significantly affected by extender or time (p<.05).Extender had and time influenced almost all estimates of semen quality. Values were forAndrohep Plus were consistently higher than BTS for all estimates of semen quality as timeprogressed (p<.05). Androhep Plus is a long term extender and contains ingredients better suitedfor the maintenance of semen quality. Although Androhep Plus and BTS significantly differed,neither saw values drop below what has been shown to affect fertility. This suggests thatwhether storing semen for a short period or a long period it will not result in decreased fertilityfor the chosen rate of cooling.The results of these two experiments suggest that boar semen is able to withstand greatertemperature fluctuations than previously thought. The first experiment showed that semen andextender do not have to be within 1°C of each other, a goal not easily obtainable in a commercialsetting, resulting in saved time and effort. The second experiment showed that there does nothave be a holding time before storing semen, which can save time and money during semenprocessing.

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