Characterization of interyarn pore size and its distribution in plain woven fabrics
interyarn;plain woven fabrics;pore size distribution;pore size;pore
Xie, Songtao ; Dr. Alan E. Tonelli, Committee Member,Dr. Jon P. Rust, Committee Member,Dr. Bhupender S. Gupta, Committee Chair,Xie, Songtao ; Dr. Alan E. Tonelli ; Committee Member ; Dr. Jon P. Rust ; Committee Member ; Dr. Bhupender S. Gupta ; Committee Chair
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: interyarn;    plain woven fabrics;    pore size distribution;    pore size;    pore;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/1748/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】

Many characteristics of plain woven fabrics, such as permeability, filtration, thermal conductivity and resin transfer, that lead them to industrial applications depend upon interyarn pore size and its distribution. In this research, pore size and its distribution were measured and modeled in a number of plain woven fabrics. Pore size models showed that structural parameters, namely the yarn diameter, yarn spacing, yarn unit cell length and fabric thickness, were major variables which determined interyarn pore size. Several samples were explored in detail. It was found that their predicted average pore sizes were almost the same as were found from image analysis and liquid porosimetry.Image analysis and liquid porosimetry were also used to characterize Two-dimensional (2-d) and three-dimensional (3-d) pore size distribution (PSD). Their comparisons revealed that morphology of 3-d PSD was mainly governed by 2-d structure, and the thickness was important mostly to determine the magnitude. 2-d PSD, thus, could be directly translated to the 3-d PSD. Coefficient β, ratio of 3-d to 2-d average pore size, was supposed as a parameter that assisted in this translation.In developing PSD model, an idealized 2-d structure lattice was assumed. The pores in this lattice were organized into several rows or columns. Identical rows or columns could be put together through exchange operation, which did not affect PSD. The collection of these rows or columns was termed representative group. 2-d PSD was actually the product of PSD in these groups. It was shown that variations in yarn diameters and spacings were the mechanisms behind group's PSD. The procedure to predict group's PSD from their variations and then the 2-d PSD of the fabric was developed. One sample was selected to demonstrate this procedure. Results showed that variations in 2-d structure were the major factors that influenced the character of the fabric PSD. It was suggested that future improvement in PSD model my come from a more effective use of standard deviations involved in these variations.A major contribution of this research is to illustrate that pore size distribution of a plain woven fabric can be effectively modeled and predicted from simple measurements on a fabric.

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