In this study, the researcher examined the effects of STEM and engineering design research, termed Design-Without-Make, which was undertaken at NC State University in 2009 in an NC high school. The hybrid quantitative, qualitative case study was developed with the purpose of capturing what new technological learning occurs and how the new pedagogical learning benefits the technological learner.The main purpose of this study was: 1) to assess whether students who participate in design-without-make activities achieve learning outcomes as successfully as or better than students of traditional design-with-make activities; 2) to determine student and teacher attitudes towards design-without-make activities within technology education. A one-way analysis of variance was conducted to evaluate the relationship between instruction and the change in pre- and posttest scores between groups. The study consisted of 27 participants, with the control group having 10 and the treatment group having 17 participants. The grand mean score from both groups came to 14.37 (SD=5.43). The assessment used has a standard error of 1.05. The posttest scores ranged from 4 to 22 out of a possible score of 22. With F(11,15)=2.04, p=.05, it was found there were no significant differences between the control and treatment posttest scores.
【 预 览 】
Design Without Make: A feasible direction for American Technology Education