Starling, Tina Tedder ; Dr. William Waters, Committee Member,Dr. Richard Chandler, Committee Member,Dr. Lee V. Stiff, Committee Chair,Starling, Tina Tedder ; Dr. William Waters ; Committee Member ; Dr. Richard Chandler ; Committee Member ; Dr. Lee V. Stiff ; Committee Chair
Students in an Algebra I classroom were asked to self-assess their learning of concepts involving the real number system.A self-assessment tool, the Capacity Matrix, was designed to emulate Bloom's taxonomy and provide students with a means of reflecting on their understanding of the topics and concepts throughout the unit.A second group of Algebra I students received identical instruction throughout the unit on the real number system.They were not asked, however, to perform any formal self-assessment.A two-sample t-test showed that there was no significant difference between the achievement scores of the treatment group and the achievement scores of the control group.However, using Pearson Product Moment correlations, strong positive correlations between the self-assessment scores and the achievement scores were evident with the subgroups containing male students and with subgroups containing non-white students.
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The Effects of Self-Assessment on Achievement in an Algebra I Classroom