ABSTRACTMUSTO, CHRISTOPHER JOHN. The Ancient and Medieval Pharmaceutical Treatments for Arthritis, Gout, and Sciatica. (Under the direction of Dr. John M. Riddle).This paper identifies the remedies used by the ancient and medieval physicians in the treatment of arthritis, sciatica, and gout and explains their theoretical perception of these afflictions.These remedies may be a single ingredient drug or a balanced compound pharmaceutical.Through the works of Dioscorides and Pliny the Elder, all ingredients used in the single drug treatments of the diseases are identified by taxonomic name, common name and ancient names that were attributed to the item.For the compound drugs, all the ingredients are identified the same as the single ingredients with the addition of the active properties and which ingredients are used to counterbalance each other.In order to understand which disease the physician was treating, the ancient or medieval description is given along with what they felt was the cause, and how they prescribed treating the disease.
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The Ancient and Medieval Pharmaceutical Treatments for Arthritis, Gout, and Sciatica.