This study seeks to examine how new and experienced teachers in one urban public school district in Kentucky perceive support from their school administrators under the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES). A factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to examine potential interaction between more than one variable (i.e., difference in teachers who have a favorable, unfavorable, or neutral perception of administrative support of PGES, as well as years of teacher experience). Teachers who had a more positive view of administrative support had a higher perception of PGES. Teachers who have a favorable perception of administrative support are likely to have a more favorable perception of PGES than experienced teachers. Of the factors considered to affect teachers’ perceptions of PGES, the teachers’ perception of administrative support had a main effect while years of experience and the interaction between administrative support and years of experience did not have an effect of teachers’ perception of PGES.
【 预 览 】
Teacher perception of administrative support for the implementation of a teacher evaluation system.