Characterization of the impact of prenatal cigarette smoke exposure on age- and sex-specific SIRT1-mediated hepatic molecular phenotype in C57BL/6 mice.
cigarette smoke;liver;SIRT1;barker hypothesis
Kendall S Stocke
University:University of Louisville
Department:Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
关键词: cigarette smoke;    liver;    SIRT1;    barker hypothesis;   
Others  :  https://ir.library.louisville.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4567&context=etd
来源: The Universite of Louisville's Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】

In the U.S., 7.2% of women still report having smoked at some point during pregnancy despite known risks to fetal health. Prenatal cigarette smoke exposure (CSE) in children puts them at risk for low birth weight, premature birth, and other adverse impacts on developmental and postnatal health. Children subjected to prenatal CSE have a higher risk of adulthood metabolic disease predicted by the Barker Hypothesis. The hepatic molecular phenotype associated with this risk is unknown. This dissertation characterizes the prenatal CSE-induced hepatic molecular phenotype during three key life stages. We used a murine model of prenatal CSE utilizing a Teague TE-10C cigarette smoking apparatus that induces low birth weight with catch-up growth. This model was used in a preliminary study to observe the hepatic metabolic phenotype of prenatal (gestational day 6-18) CSE offspring during adulthood in conjunction with a high-fat diet (HFD) or control low-fat diet (CD) feeding for three months. The hepatic molecular phenotype was characterized by the expression of SIRT1, a Class III deacetylase NAD+ sensor, and associated genes and proteins. Female CSE offspring maintained on a HFD exhibited exacerbated weight gain and body fat accumulation while male CSE offspring exhibited decreased SIRT1-related protein expression. Follow up studies subjected offspring to prenatal (GD1-18) CSE and measured their hepatic molecular phenotype at the neonatal and post-weaning periods. Male CSE offspring at 1.5 weeks of age exhibited signs of elevated SIRT1 signaling independent of the main SIRT1 regulatory loop. Female CSE 1.5-week old offspring exhibited signs of delayed functional liver ontogeny via depressed expression of Sirt1, related enzymes, and serum glucose levels. Weaned fed male CSE offspring exhibited mixed expression in SIRT1-regulatory pathways. Fasted male CSE offspring exhibited signs of an exacerbated fasting response via increased SIRT1-related gluconeogenic mRNA expression. Fed female CSE offspring exhibited an exacerbated fed response and untimely gluconeogenic mRNA expression. Fasted female CSE offspring exhibited signs of an exacerbated fasting response via SIRT1-related mRNA and protein expression and untimely lipogenic mRNA expression. This work attempted to extend the Barker Hypothesis by characterizing the hepatic molecular phenotype at key life stages in offspring subjected to prenatal CSE.

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Characterization of the impact of prenatal cigarette smoke exposure on age- and sex-specific SIRT1-mediated hepatic molecular phenotype in C57BL/6 mice. 3728KB PDF download
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