The effects of a physical activity program called "minds-in-motion-the maze" on balance and motor skills in middle school aged students.
balance;motor skills;BOT2;neurocom;minds in motion;physical activity;school aged children;middle school
Liliana Vargas
University:University of Louisville
Department:Health and Sport Sciences
关键词: balance;    motor skills;    BOT2;    neurocom;    minds in motion;    physical activity;    school aged children;    middle school;   
Others  :  https://ir.library.louisville.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4040&context=etd
来源: The Universite of Louisville's Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】

Competing time demands in the curriculum have left physical education as a low priority among schools. Consequently, school aged children are not meeting the recommended 150 mins/wk of physical activity. We studied the effects of Minds in Motion-MAZE on middle school aged (n=74) children’s balance and motor skills. Minds in Motion-MAZE is a low cost physical activity program designed to improve balance and motor control. Participants participated in Minds in Motion-MAZE for 15 minutes during the 7th period. A multivariate test did not show a statistical significance of participating in Minds in Motion-MAZE and improved balance and motor skills. Further analysis is required to assess the effect of Minds in Motion-MAZE as a viable alternative to a lack of physical education in the curriculum.

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