Influence of in-office oral hygiene instructions on the parental assessment of their child's oral health.
Parental assessment of oral health;oral health education;physician office oral health education;dental office oral health education;health department oral health education
Purpose: To identify the relation between oral health education and parental assessment of their child’s dental condition. Methods: Our study population included 33,342 children, from Smile KY! annual screenings from 2002 to 20014. Data collection was through questionnaire forms. Our primary risk factor was “dental health instructions received” (yes/no) and our outcome of interest was “parental assessment of your child’s dental health” (good/fair/poor). We had 13 years of data from 2002 to 2014 and used ‘SAS’ statistical software for data manipulation and recoding. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test of independence, trend analysis and multiple logistic regression modeling were performed on ‘SPSS’ and ‘SAS’ statistical software at P P
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Influence of in-office oral hygiene instructions on the parental assessment of their child's oral health.