As the historiography on radio broadcasting continues to grow and forcesexamination from the macro-level to the micro-level, station histories are becomingincreasingly important. The story of WHAS highlights the evolution of a nationally celebrated,innovative radio station dedicated to the service of its community. However,this thesis argues that WHAS radio's arrival as a viable commercial business distorted theinitial trajectories its forefathers intended for the medium thereby diluting its nobleraspects. A technological tool with the unprecedented power and influence -- to enlightenand enhance the daily lives of millions through education, the high art of classical musicand opera, exposure to politics, and instant news updates, all filtered through a sense ofduty to its listeners -- saw its grand ambitions watered down by the allure of increasedprofits sacrificing originality and imagination for accessible, light-entertainmentprogramming generated from a handful of single sources.
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Groping in the dark : an early history of WHAS radio.