The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate how four college musicstudents-two seniors and two freshmen-practice as they prepare an etude. Participantswere all trumpet players. All participants completed two videotaped sessions of fifteenminutes each. During these sessions, the participants were given one etude to sight-readand rehearse on their own. During the second session, a new etude was provided and the. process repeated. These sessions were self-regulated by participants. At the end of eachsession, participants were given a short survey asking them to describe their methods.The results of the surveys were divided into categories for analysis (grade level andplaying experience; and details on techniques used). The videos were analyzed as asupplement in understanding the participants' comments, as well as to discover anyadditional apparent differences or common themes in pacing and focus between thestudents. Results showed that each student used different techniques to learn the etude,but the seniors' answers indicated a larger influence of private lessons on their practiceroutines. Suggestions for future research in the area of practice routines forinstrumentalists are offered.
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Self-regulated practice : a comparison between senior and freshman trumpet students.