The effect of a communication protocol implementation on nurse/physician collaboration and communication.
Collaboration;Teamwork;Communication;Nurse/physician relationships
Jacqueline Carter Gerard, 1948-
University:University of Louisville
Department:Department of Leadership, Foundations, and Human Resource Education
关键词: Collaboration;    Teamwork;    Communication;    Nurse/physician relationships;   
Others  :  https://ir.library.louisville.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1486&context=etd
来源: The Universite of Louisville's Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】

This study examined the effect on physician/nurse collaboration andcommunication of the implementation of the SBAR protocol, used as nurses reportedpatient changes to physicians, in a Midwestern community hospital ICU. The design wasa two-phased descriptive design. Data were collected through two surveys, one of whichaddressed collaboration and the other which addressed communication factors. Thesurveys were administered to ICU nurses (n = 28) and physicians (n = 30) three times.The study also explored attitudes regarding the efficacy of SBAR and interdisciplinarycollaboration through interviews with a representative sample of physicians (n = 10) andnurses (n = 10). The collaboration and communication scores analyses, which employed asignificance level of (p = .05) and repeated measures ANOV A, established the followingkey findings: (a) Nurses perceived that nurse-physician collaboration had significantlyimproved between Time 1 and Time 3; (b) physicians did not perceive that nurse-physiciancollaboration had significantly improved; (c) at Time 1, the physicians scoredsignificantly higher than the nurses on communication elements of openness andunderstanding; and (d) the nurses perceived that understanding had significantly improved between Time I and Time 2 and between Time I and Time 3. Interview datagenerally confirmed the survey findings. Nurses affirmed that SBAR should be taught toall new nurses, but both nurses and physicians perceived the Recommendation statementas overly assertive. Several implications arose from this study: (a) Nurses wanted more collaborationwith physicians and perceived that SBAR increased collaboration and improvedunderstanding; (b) physicians did not voice wanting improved collaboration andperceived that SBAR had not changed either collaboration or communication; and (c)authors of SBAR might study the effectiveness of the Recommendation statement.

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