Between space and evocation: a portfolio of acousmatic compositions
M Music and Books on Music > M Music
Clemente, Manfredi ; Harrison, Jonty
University:University of Birmingham
Department:School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music, Department of Music
关键词: M Music and Books on Music;    M Music;   
Others  :  http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/7642/1/Clemente17PhD.pdf
来源: University of Birmingham eTheses Repository
【 摘 要 】

This commentary consists of an attempt to discuss the problems raised by the way I approach composition and sound in general. My argument is based on the definition I give of the key concepts of space, sound image and evocation, mainly through the means of an aesthetic reflection that tries to stay faithful to the basic rules of phenomenological method. In this context, space is not meant in its locative sense, rather it is defined as the process of exploration of the sound image that characterizes the act of listening. The sound image is thence discussed in its spatial aspects. It is described as an object defined by a frame (both conceptual and empirical) and an inside, which is explored by the listener. It is this exploration that allows the listener to reach a moment of resonance with the sound image itself, moment that I defined as evocation. The consideration of the sound image in a spatial sense allows me to introduce the idea of meta-space, a term that aims at describing the way in which the sound images enter into a mutual relationship in the context of a musical composition.

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