Application of shortest path algorithms to find paths of minimum radiation dose
Dijkstra;Bellman-Ford;Shortest Path Algorithms;Path of Minimum Radiation Dose;Path Minimization Algorithms;Minimize Radiation Dose
Alzalloum, Abdul-Qadim ; Uddin, Rizwan ; Uddin ; Rizwan
关键词: Dijkstra;    Bellman-Ford;    Shortest Path Algorithms;    Path of Minimum Radiation Dose;    Path Minimization Algorithms;    Minimize Radiation Dose;   
Others  :  https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/14665/Alzalloum_Abdul-Qadim.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

Presented here is the use of two path-optimization algorithms, Dijkstra's Algorithm, and theBellman-Ford Algorithm, to find paths through radiologically contaminated environmentssuch that the accumulated dose is minimal. Such paths will be very useful for personnelwhose job requires them to navigate through contaminated areas such as nuclear facilityworkers and emergency response personnel who need to respond to events which occur innuclear facilities.The modified algorithms are coded in Matlab. Preliminary calculations are carried outto test convergence as a function of number of grid points used. Impact of other parametersin the algorithm on results is also evaluated. Several models of contaminated areas aredeveloped and minimum dose paths are determined. These models include both continuousas well as discrete radiation fields, and ranged in complexity from simple hypothetical models,to real models of contaminated areas in currently operational nuclear power plants such asthe LaSalle Nuclear Power Station and the Clinton Power Station. Minimal dose path is alsodetermined in a room where the radiation field is determined using MCNP transport code.In order to solve these real complex models, the capability to maneuver around obstacleswas added to the algorithm.It was also proposed in this thesis to integrate the minimal dose paths into virtual realitymodels of the contaminated areas for personnel training purposes. A virtual 3D interactivemodel of a LaSalle Nuclear Power Plant room was developed and its minimal path solutionwas added to this VR model. An MCNP model of a contaminated room was also solved andits minimal dose path calculated.

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