Humans exhibit marked individual differences in susceptibility to develop drugdependence. Addiction-like behaviors have been modeled in rodents as well with similarindividual variability in the development of addiction-like behaviors. One potential mechanismthat could differentiate addiction-vulnerable from addiction-resistant individuals is sensitivity toreward-paired cues. Pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT) is a paradigm that assesses the extentto which reward cues can initiate previously unpaired instrumental responding for a commonreward. To examine the potential that sensitivity to reward-paired cues is a mechanismdifferentiating individuals with a propensity to develop addiction-like behaviors, we used arodent model known to differ in initial responsiveness to cocaine as well as in behaviorsimplicated in ‘addiction-vulnerability’. We hypothesize that rodents displaying the ‘addiction-vulnerable’phenotype will initiate instrumental responding to a greater degree when presentedwith cues associated with reward than their counterparts.
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Individual differences in cocaine's locomotor activating effects predicts reward-directed behavior