Monitoring, modeling, and hybrid simulation—an integrated Bayesian-based approach to high-fidelity fragility analysis
Fragility analysis;Structural Health Monitoring;Wireless Smart Sensor;Time Synchronization;Hybrid simulation;Multiple-Support Excitation;System identification;Output decoupling;Seismic risk assessment
Li, Jian
关键词: Fragility analysis;    Structural Health Monitoring;    Wireless Smart Sensor;    Time Synchronization;    Hybrid simulation;    Multiple-Support Excitation;    System identification;    Output decoupling;    Seismic risk assessment;   
Others  :  https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/44294/Jian_Li.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

Fragility functions are one of the key technical ingredients in seismic risk assessment. The derivation of fragility functions has been extensively studied in the past; however, large uncertainties still exist, mainly due to limited collaboration between the interdependent components involved in the course of fragility estimation. This research aims to develop a systematic Bayesian-based framework to estimate high-fidelity fragility functions by integrating monitoring, modeling, and hybrid simulation, with the final goal of improving the accuracy of seismic risk assessment to support both pre- and post-disaster decision-making. In particular, this research addresses the following five aspects of the problem: (1) monitoring with wireless smart sensor networks to facilitate efficient and accurate pre- and post-disaster data collection, (2) new modeling techniques including innovative system identification strategies and model updating to enable accurate structural modeling, (3) hybrid simulation as an advanced numerical-experimental simulation tool to generate highly realistic and accurate response data for structures subject to earthquakes, (4) Bayesian-updating asa systematic way of incorporating hybrid simulation data to generate composite fragility functions with higher fidelity, and 5) the implementation of an integrated fragility analysis approach as a part of a seismic risk assessment framework.This research not only delivers an extensible and scalable framework for high-fidelity fragility analysis and reliable seismic risk assessment, but also provides advances in wireless smart sensor networks, system identification, and pseudo-dynamic testing in civil engineering applications.

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