The dynamic constructivist approach of culture and cognition suggests that bicultural individuals have the flexibility of effectively navigating two cultures by switching between their cultural frames in response to cognitive cues (Hong, Morris, Chiu, and Benet-Matinez, 2000). Two studies were implemented to test the malleability of acculturation construct through two commonly used prime methods: cultural icons and languages. In study 1, culture was primed by exposing participants (N = 95) to cultural icons and symbols representative of Korean and American Culture as well as neutral shapes such as triangles and squares. In study 2, culture was primed by randomly assigning participants (N = 89) to answer questionnaires written in English or Korean. Reflecting multidimensionality of acculturation that conceptualizes acculturation/enculturation occurring across behavioral, cognitive, and affective domains, behavioral acculturation and enculturation, adherence to cultural values, and ethnic identity were selected to measure subjective domains of acculturation. Results support that acculturation is a dynamic construct. Implications for operationalization and measurement of acculturation are discussed.
【 预 览 】
A dynamic approach to acculturation: the influence of cultural priming method on acculturation among Asians