In recent years, many noninvasive, high-resolution biomedical optical imaging techniques basedon unique, yet complementary, contrast mechanisms have emerged. While each imagingmodality is able to elucidate certain properties of the particular sample under study, an integratedapproach in which all modalities are acquired in a simultaneous, co-registered manner can proveadvantageous in obtaining a more complete understanding of the sample under study. While thismultimodal approach to biomedical imaging is beginning to find more widespread use, thus farmost applications of these techniques have been purely qualitative, ignoring the incredibly dense,multidimensional datasets acquired. This thesis presents the framework and several applicationsof a quantitative model-based combinatorial analysis method. The analysis technique developedprovides a direct link between multimodal image contrast and physiological biomarkers.Applications include identification of tissue constituents in fixed tissue slices and classificationof cell death mechanisms in a living engineered tissue sample.
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Model-based quantitative combinatorial optical microscopy for extracting clinical imaging biomarkers