Real-time validation of power system transient stability simulation results
Power system;transient stability;validation
Hughes, Yuchen ; Overbye ; Thomas J.
关键词: Power system;    transient stability;    validation;   
Others  :  https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/73087/Yuchen_Hughes.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

Performing transient stability study using simulation software is crucial to determining the threshold amount of disturbance a system can handle before losing synchronism. These disturbances include events such as loss of generation, loss of a large load, or fault on transmission facilities. Currently, there are state estimator models used in simulating the transient stability response of large systems in the U.S. to disturbances.This research project studies the transient stability models used in simulating a disturbance on the system, with a focus on generator modeling. The objective of this research project is to achieve a more optimized transmission grid, by facilitating better planning studies and operational enhancements. Real time state estimator cases do not have any generator or load models in them. A procedure has been developed to automatically load generator model data from the planning case into the real time case and troubleshoot the incorrect models to get the case ready for a transient stability run. With real-time PMU data, it will be possible to simulate the same contingency in commercial software, compare it with the recorded PMU data, and make modifications to the current model accordingly. In this work the preparation procedure will be discussed, as well as the comparison and interpretation of simulated and real-time data.

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