Soil texture is an important soil property, contributing to many aspects of soil performance, ranging from productivity to ease of tillage. Currently, textural analysis is either estimated in the field with limited accuracy, or analyzed in a laboratory setting through a time consuming and labor intensive process.This study outlines the development of a new system for in-situ soil textural analysis using an automated cone penetrometer outfitted with a microphone, where the resulting sound produced from the cone-soil interface is used to determine soil texture. The system was tested in a laboratory setting using soil samples with well defined textural compositions. Correlations between the textural breakdown of the samples, and the power for certain frequency ranges were made. The prediction model for clay that was developed had an adjusted R2 of 0.950, while the models for silt and sand had lower adjusted R2 values. Future research should look into the effects of soil moisture content, bulk density, and organic matter content on the acoustic signal.
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Soil texture determination by an acoustic cone penetrometer method