Investigating the role of antenna parameters in reducing interference
Srivastava, Sakshi ; Bernhard ; Jennifer T.
关键词: Antenna;    Interference;    Reconfigurability;   
Others  :  https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/99263/SRIVASTAVA-THESIS-2017.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】
The frequency spectrum is a necessary resource for the proper functioning of wireless devices. With the unprecedented rise of wireless devices available to the public comes inevitable congestion in the frequency spectrum. As this congestion is increasing, there is a pressing need to investigate ways to implement spectrum sharing, which is the idea that multiple wireless devices can use the same part of the spectrum as long as certain conditions are met. Since spectrum sharing may lead to interference, it is imperative to study those factors which contribute to interference, when interference becomes harmful, and how we can mitigate the effects of interference to have a more robust channel. This research focuses on exposing the ways in which antenna radiation parameters like radiation pattern and polarization variability can be used to reduce interference. The pattern changing capabilities of a null steering antenna are studied from the perspective of reducing interference in an indoor environment. For this, a reconfigurable null steering antenna was simulated and fabricated. The field distribution from this antenna was simulated in a two room setting to gauge the effects of multipath on the electric field distribution of the antenna. In addition, a pseudo-indoor setup was designed by introducing metallic perturbations in a free space environment. The effect of the multipath created by the obstructions in the environment was manifested in the form of the change in depth of the null in the radiation pattern of the antenna. While the null of the antenna did not seem to be as effective in a multipath, indoor setting as compared to the free space scenario, the power in the direction of the null was still less than the power away from the null. Hence, antenna features like beam steering, null steering, and pattern and polarization reconfigurability may be used as tools to reduce interference in an indoor setting.
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