Precursors and downstream consequences of prediction in language comprehension
Hubbard, Ryan James
关键词: Language;    memory;    prediction;    ERP;   
Others  :  https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/99396/HUBBARD-DISSERTATION-2017.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

During language comprehension, the brain rapidly integrates incoming linguistic stimuli to not only incrementally build a contextual representation, but also predict upcoming information.This predictive mechanism leads to behavioral facilitation of processing of expected words, as well as a reduction in amplitude of the N400, a neural response reflecting access of semantic memory.However, little research has identified a behavioral or neurophysiological cost of errors in prediction.Additionally, only recent work has begun to investigate neural activity related to prediction prior to encountering a predicted stimulus.Most work has focused on what happens immediately after a predicted or unpredicted stimulus is encountered.Here, I explore new avenues of research by examining downstream consequences of prediction during language comprehension on future recognition memory.Additionally, I test whether these consequences occur following any violation of predictions, or whether the semantic fit of the violation to the established context plays a role.Finally, I adapt a classic paradigm, word stem completion, to investigate electrophysiological activity following a cue that is modulated by how predictive the outcome is.With this work, I not only have discovered costs of failed and successful predictions and identified neural signals potentially related to generation of predictions, but also have researched prediction in novel ways that can continue to expand and further elucidate how this mechanism affects cognition and changes across populations.

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