This thesis presents studies ofthermospheric winds obtained usingground-based Fabry-Perotinterferometers (FPIs). Using datafrom four different sites across theglobe, we evaluate the performance ofthe Horizontal Wind Model (HWM) ateach location, focusing on a new FPIrecently deployed to South Africa. Through this analysis, wefind that themodel is able to better represent windsat or near locations where the modelwas constrained by data during itsdevelopment. For those locations farfrom any model constraints, there is an apparent phase shift between modeland data. Thisfinding is particularlyapparent for all months of datacollected from South Africa. Wedescribe a method to reduce thesedifferences between model and databy extracting the diurnal, semidiurnal, and terdiurnal tidal components from the model output and shifting thephase of the terdiurnal tide so thatmodel output better represents thedata. This method is applied to themodel output at four different sites,and the improvement infit, quantifiedby the Taylor diagram distance, isdiscussed.
【 预 览 】
Tidal analysis of modeled thermospheric winds to improve agreement with measurements over South Africa