Permissioned blockchains have resulted in some unlikely collaborations between organizations that would have previously been impossible due them mutually distrusting each other. They provide a sense of trust among the parties due to the decentralized nature of their deployment that prevents censorship from a subset of the parties. Decentralization mandates that all the parties have the same view of the system, therefore it has been difficult to represent and store private data. Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing(AVSS) and Secure Multi Party Computation(MPC) are techniques from cryptography that allow the sharing of secrets among multiple parties and enable arbitrary computations on the shared data without leaking any information about the data.Previously, AVSS and MPC protocols were inefficient for practical use or did not work in the same setting of blockchains where nodes of the blockchain could arbitrarily fail. Honeybadger AVSS and Honeybadger MPC are robust and scalable frameworks that make them a good candidate to be coupled with a permissioned blockchain to form a confidentiality layer on top of it. We present Cloaking Fabric, an extension to the popular permissioned blockchain Hyperledger Fabric that utilizes HoneybadgerMPC and HoneybadgerAVSS to provide a confidentiality layer that would allow smart-contracts on the blockchain to interact with private data. We present a suite of applications to demonstrate our system and measure the overhead it would have over standard MPC operations.
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Cloaking fabric, a confidentiality layer for hyperledger fabric