Since the publication of the Warnock Report (1978) on children's special educational needs, special schooling has taken a new direction. Some authorities have even gone as far as to abolish their special schools, while others have implemented greater integration between special and ordinary schools. In almost all instances a greater challenge has been given to children hitherto labelled as handicapped, either physically or mentally, or both. They are now expected to cope in a greater variety of educational settings. Such demands highlight the need for more action research in the social and communication skills of persons of all ages with a mental handicap. The Language Fluency Project, hereafter referred to as LFP, was set up to investigate the development and training of socialised language in adolescents with a mental handicap, their linguistic behaviour in a conversation situation, and the development of verbal and social facility.
【 预 览 】
Language Fluency Project: An Investigation Into the Training and Development of Socialised Language With Adolescents With a Mental Handicap