'Les cent nouvelles nouvelles': A linguistic study of MS Glasgow Hunter 252
P Philology. Linguistics;PQ Romance literatures;PC Romance languages
Roger, Geoffrey ; Davies, Peter
University:University of Glasgow
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
关键词: Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, Middle French, moyen français, historical dialectology, dialectologie historique, scriptology, scriptologie, Picard scripta, regional scriptae, sriptae régionale, French historical linguistics, linguistique historique, linguistique diachronique, standardisation, spoken language, langue parlée, direct speech, discrours direct, mise-en-scène,;   
Others  :  http://theses.gla.ac.uk/2872/1/2011Rogerphd.pdf
来源: University of Glasgow
【 摘 要 】

MS Glasgow Hunter 252 is the sole surviving manuscript copy of the 'Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles'. The present PhD thesis, funded by a Glasgow University Scholarship and supervised by James Simpson and Peter Davies, explores the language of this collection of bawdy tales, attributed to the court of Philippe III de Bourgogne (1396-1467). Most existing studies on the language of the 'Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles' have offered a literary (e.g. stylistic, narratological) perspective, and very few have considered the document within the wider context of French historical linguistics. The present thesis aims to fill this gap by:•Presenting elements of linguistic interest within the document (dialectalisms, archaisms, rare features, cultural references, etc.), through a comprehensive survey of phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary. •Expanding and reassessing existing theories on orthographic standardisation and dialectal input in written and, more speculatively, spoken Middle French.•Providing scriptological evidence towards the localisation of other textual resources within the online 'Dictionnaire du moyen français (1330-1500)'.•Investigating the authenticity of the mise-en-scène of the 'Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles'; reflecting on linguistic practices and note-taking at the Court of Burgundy.•Exploring spoken language as rendered by direct speech passages, with special consideration of linguistic variation and stereotyping.•Publishing textual databases for future analysis (tables of main spelling variants, alphabetical list of words, etc.).

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