An investigation into the use of the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination -Revised (ACE-R) as a means of predicting rehabilitation outcomes in adults aged 16 or over
Objectives: To investigate (1) the use of the ACE-R in predicting functional gain during inpatient rehabilitation, and (2) whether ACE-R scores identify patients who will require additional therapy support during their rehabilitation.Design: Prospective cohort study.Setting: UK inpatient physically disabled rehabilitation unit.Participants: Of the 100 adult participants approached, 65 had baseline assessments.Complete data sets were available for 60 (92.3%) participants and included for analysis.Mean age was 49.847 yrs (SD=12.01.Main Outcome measures: Functional gain during rehabilitation was measured using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM).To control for baseline ability, the FIM change (FIM Discharge – FIM admission) was used as the main outcome measure. Results: There were no significant correlations between ACE-R total (rho=.104, P=0.43), Memory (rho=.02, p=0.89) or Fluency (rho=.15, p=0.25) scores and FIM change. There were no significant correlations between FIM change and MMSE, mood, age, medical co-morbidities, number of medications, medication type, gender, continence and catheterisation, or social deprivation. There was a significant difference in the ACE-R Total (p<0.014), Memory (p=0.039) and Fluency (p=0.012) scores between those who did and did not require additional therapy support.A significant difference was also found between men and women in their ACE-R scores and need for additional support.Only ACE-R fluency and gender survived Logistic Regression Analysis.Conclusion: ACE-R scores were not predictive of FIM change scores.The tool appeared more sensitive in identifying patients who required additional support with ACE-R fluency and gender appearing to be independent predictors.The study may have been underpowered to detect significant associations.
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An investigation into the use of the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination -Revised (ACE-R) as a means of predicting rehabilitation outcomes in adults aged 16 or over