An analytical study of a section of al-Shīrazī's al-Nukat fi al-Masā'il al-mukhtalaf fīhā bayna al-shafi'ī wa Abū Ḥanīfa
PI Oriental languages and literatures
Al-Mātūq, 'Abdullāh M. M. ; Mattock, John
University:University of Glasgow
关键词: PI Oriental languages and literatures;   
Others  :  http://theses.gla.ac.uk/1908/1/1996almatuqphd.pdf
来源: University of Glasgow
【 摘 要 】

This thesis consists of an edition of the section on Marriage and Divorce entitled AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF A SECTION OF AL-SHRZ'S AL-NUKAT F AL-MAS'IL AL-MUKHTALAF FH BAYNA AL-SHAFI' WA ABU HANFA (al-Nika wa al-talaq) by Abu Ishaq al-Shraz 393/1002-3 = 476/1082.This work is concerned with differences of practice in the Shafi'ite and Hanafite Schools of Law.A study of the author's life and times is included, as is also a section on 'Divine controversy' ('ilm al-Khilaf).

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An analytical study of a section of al-Shīrazī's al-Nukat fi al-Masā'il al-mukhtalaf fīhā bayna al-shafi'ī wa Abū Ḥanīfa 12702KB PDF download
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