Recent research of modern aggradational continental sedimentary basins has highlighted that sedimentation is dominated by distributive fluvial systems (DFSs). Only one outcrop-based, fully quantified rock record example is currently available within literature (Salt Wash Member of The Jurassic Morrison Formation) which highlights expected trends within conceptual DFS models. This study based on the Oligocene-Miocene Huesca Fluvial System within the Ebro Basin, northern Spain aims to characterise facies across the system, analyse predicted trends using a conceptual DFS model and determine whether these expected trends are scalable across both system and basin-scale studies. The results of this study will be compared with other DFS studies, namely with the Late Jurassic Salt Wash. Proximal-todistal trends show that channel thicknesses across the system decrease from 20.2 m to 0.4 m alongside channel percentage decreases from 66% at the most proximal region to 4% in the most distal locality. Storey thicknesses also decrease downstream from 11.4 m proximally to 0.4 m in the most distal locality with storey frequency at a maximum of 4 in the proximal region. Downstream shifts in architecture are also noted across the system from massive, highly amalgamated channel-body sandstones dominating the proximal regions to isolated or offset-stacked, lesser amalgamated channel-body dominating distal region. This data compares well with that of the Salt Wash study which is directly comparable despite differences in the size of these systems. This study provides quantified data for an ancient DFS on a system scale that is directly comparable with other quantified DFSs from both previous and future works, regardless of scale. The data from this study will also aid resource exploration in the future alongside help to create a more accurate, quantified, conceptual DFS model.