The physiology of the reproductive cycle of the powan of Loch Lomond, Coregonus lavaretus (L) (Euteleostei, Salmonidae) in relation to the deposition and mobilization of storage products
There have beennumerous studiesinwhichthereproductivecycles ofteleosts have beencorrelated with either environmentalcycles or associated physiological cycles, orboth. Suchcorrelationisseldom accurately achieved; usuallybecause thereproductive cycleofthespecies concernedis lax,sometimesbecauseonly one ortwofactorsof anintegratedwhole were examined.Thepowan ofLoch Lomond, Coregonus lavaretus(L. ) (Teleostei,Salmoniformes) is thesubject of along-termstudyinvestigating itsgrowth,in particular reproduction.Thisraceisafreshwaterglacialrelictformof aborealgroup, andthus hasan exceptionally strictlytimesreproductive cycle.It thusrepresents anidealsubject forcyclical studies.This thesis investigates therelationship betweenlipidstorageandthereproductive cycle andtherole ofthyroidgland.
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The physiology of the reproductive cycle of the powan of Loch Lomond, Coregonus lavaretus (L) (Euteleostei, Salmonidae) in relation to the deposition and mobilization of storage products